Friday, October 3, 2008

Twilight Report...and other stuff...

This first picture is from last year- I had it on my phone and it made me laugh....

Well, we moved into a new school building in April. It was in the middle of the last term so it was pretty crazy- hence the very bare walls. Anyways, this is my classroom. The school ordered a podium for each classroom- the students hated them. They felt like we were all preaching down to them all the time. least until they came to my room....then it became a joke! I am barely taller than the podium and so the students could barely see my face when I would stand behind it (which wasn't often). I came to class one day and found my podium on top of my front table where I usually teach. They begged me to teach from it- so we made a deal, I taught from there and they would do their entire assignment. The best part was when the campus supervisor peaked into my class and had to do a double-take. Maybe you just had to have been there...but it was classic.

Another quick side note. The student in the picture is the one who was a body guard at a club...for those of you who know that story. (Basically he tried to be tough with me and I did not take it- he backed off real was great!) Anyways, for one of my observations last year I had to video tape myself teaching. It was pretty entertaining watching it because the camera was set up in the back of the classroom and he sat between myself and the camera. Periodically I would disappear behind him- I was standing, he was sitting. :)

The Twilight Report.....
.....that's right, I finally read it!

Well, I'm sorry to report that I am not going to run out and join all the big fan clubs...but here's my story....

...first, some background. There are two genres I do not enjoy reading- fantasy and romance. Hmm...vampires and wolves....and Bella's love story. That pretty much explains how I felt about the first half of the book. Although I thought it was well written, the content made it very hard for me to get into. (Like Shaun said, sometimes I need to be more of a girl.) Anyways, I was getting to the point of giving up when one of my students turned in a very detailed book report about the book. Of course I read it and found out how it was going to end. So then I had to read on to see how all the fun action would play out. Once I got to the fun action- running away, adventure, and killing- the book became much better and I actually got hooked. I was excited and relieved because I didn't want to let all the Brems girls down. So, although it was hard for me to get into.... I ended up enjoying it.

Will I be continuing on? Well my same student wrote a detailed book report for the entire series, including Breaking Dawn. I think Twilight will do for me. But I am glad I at least know the jist so I understand whatever everyone is always talking about! :)

Mark kicking back on his precious chair. Every man has to have their special chair....


Emily said...

Oh Jodie,

I'm so sad you aren't into the books! But at least you tried it right?? Sounds like things are going well for you and like Mark is keeping real busy :). Love the picture of the podium. Very nice!! Can't wait to see you guys next month! Keep blogging!

Jeff and Carol said...

I said the same thing when my hubby's cousin wanted me to read the Twilight series. A vampire romance?? WHAT?! I read the first one in 3 days and the nest 3 in 2 1/2 weeks. Keep reading, they're good! :)

Brits said...

Don't do it! They get worse I promise! Although it is nice to have some more anti-Twilight people out there with me!

(I was blog hopping and found your blog, hope you don't mind.) :)

Catherine said...

I totally agree with you, Jodie, I am not much of a fan of the books either. It was an entertaining read, I admit, but too unrealistic. I don't mind a good fantasy now and then, or a well written love story... but I found a 100 year old vampire falling for an immature 16 year old a little hard to stomach. I did read two more books in the series and I felt my time wasted. I didn't bother with the last one, and I am glad I didn't because my friend told me about it and that is all I need to know.
If you are ever looking for a good book, let me know, I know of a few you would really like.