Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well, Jodie and I have been wanting to get a fish tank for the past few months. So we saved up and we finally bought a fish tank. Now, its pretty simple and small, but its fun to have the fishes swimming around. We have it set up in our room, so its fun to wake up and watch the fish swimming around. However, going to the fish store and looking at some of the fish, holy cow, those things can add up pretty quick. But anyway, here's our 4 fish, not seen in the picture are two little hermit crabs. Not much, but it definitely fills up our little tank.

The other piece of news that we have is that yesterday we went to go see Body Worlds in SLC. For those who aren't familiar with it, it's a museum exhibit of human cadavers. It was very fascinating to see the human body in action; proof that our bodies really are amazingly complicated and intricate machines. Another thing that made the experience even better was while we were waiting in line to buy our tickets, a man came up and asked if we were going to buy tickets, and so we replied that we were. He then said, "Well, here's one to start you off." So he gave us a ticket and a voucher for an audio tour guide. So, we just bought one student ticket and shared the audio thing and it worked perfectly. It was very nice of the guy. We don't have many pictures from the experience because photography is forbidden within the museum. So, here's the one picture that we have. I took this in the lobby, they had a skeleton that was projected on the wall that would display text messages that were sent to a certain phone number. As messages were displayed, he would change poses. I thought it was a pretty clever idea, so here's that one.
This other picture is a little blurry, but still worth posting. We had Jodie's brother Shaun come over to watch conference with us on Sunday morning. We had breakfast together and then sat down to watch conference. Towards the end of the afternoon session, we took this picture. We love ya Shaun, but couldn't resist putting it up. Although, in his defense, he opened his eyes after we took the picture. The hardest part was trying to keep a straight face afterwards.
These last two I thought were kind of fun, random pictures. The other day, this car pulled into our parking lot at work as I was running some mail over to the office next to us.
This one is classic of insurance bureaucracy and how ridiculous it can be at times. This check we received in the mail; a grand total of one cent. Kind of sad I thought because it is not even worth the value of the stamp, ink, or probably paper used to print the check. Oh well.
Well, there's some pictures for ya, hope that you enjoyed.


Katie B said...

Hey Mark, found you blog! How've you been? Working in the lab much? Want to hear something funny? I'm pretty sure Sean is shadowing the doctor you work for during the second half of the semester (starting this week!). You'll have to make sure the doc's nice to him. Oh, and we went to Body Worlds, too. What a crazy exhibit! Totally worth it!

Emily said...

Rob and I went to body worlds here in Phoenix when James was just a baby and it was fascinating. They had a separate room where you could go see embryos and fetus's in different stages of development as well and that was really interesting too! Looks like things are going well up there. Congrats on the fish. I've been thinking about a goldfish for our house but we'll see. Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!