Well, Jodie and I were able to get some tickets to go to conference this weekend for the Saturday session. Our Bishop gave us four tickets and asked us if we could try to take two of the mia maids with us to conference. So, we got everything all set up with them and one of them got sick friday night and the other didn't want to go without her. So, we had two extra tickets to conference and invited Jodie's brother Shaun to come with us. So, we left Saturday morning and watched the morning session in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and then went to the afternoon session. It was a lot of fun and the only damper on the day was the weather, it rained non stop on Saturday. Oh, we also had lunch in the Garden room on top of the JSMB between sessions; it was a lot of fun because Shaun hadn't been up there before either. But here are some pictures of the day.

Today for conference, Shaun came over again and watched conference at our house. By the time conference finished, the sun was finally starting to come out again. So, we decided to all go take a drive up Provo Canyon and see the trees. It was really pretty to see all the colors, especially right after the rain because everything was very clean, especially the air, so the colors were very vibrant. Here are some of the pictures that we took.

ok, so in those two pictures, you don't see much of the vibrant colors, but I had a request from a certain, unnamed individual who wants more pictures of us in our blog. However, you can kind of see the trees and colors in the background and a little better in the next picture.

Here's Shaun and Jodie.

These pictures were from just below the reservoir, heading up Provo Canyon. We decided to turn back and go up to Sundance/Aspen Grove.

It was really pretty going up this canyon, lost of yellows and reds, with the occasional snow on the mountain. These next three were at Aspen Grove.

At this point, we turned back to go to Sundance. Here are some that Jodie got while she we were driving down.

Then at Sundance, we got this picture.

Shaun took this picture after we left, very pretty scene.

Here's a little bit of the ski resort. This was actually the second snow storm we've gotten up on the mountains since this summer. Kind of scary because we both are hoping for as little snow as possible in the valley this winter.

Well, there are the pictures from this weekend. Hope you all enjoyed and are proud how quickly we got the pictures up - hopefully we can keep this trend up.